Some bass notes are so low the human mind can’t perceive them until they are loud enough to
vibrate the ground underneath the feet.
It is a matter of amplitude, not frequency.
And it takes a lot to make a body act.
Sometimes the word is the one you least expect.
I tried to stop watching but it was too interesting to tell a group of bodies come as you are and
see what happens.
I looked at the bodies inside the sun room from the garden where I was busy measuring the
distance between flower petals.
The sun and wind were out. They were busy mussing all our hairs.
The air was so cold I was comfortable.
I was experiencing sensation as source and destination, not enough room for a medium.
Electrons were so busy coursing underneath the flesh you could see them from space.
Someone told me that was just how all-consuming the color blue can be.
I told them there was so much electricity inside the generator that I could hear it leaking out of a
crack in the metal shell at night.
It kept me up like a ghost.
I stopped moving my hands and my protractor and the flowers became unpredictable.
Their petals were rotating like breath.
The bees just didn’t know what to do.
Ryan Bollenbach is a writer with an MFA from University of Alabama's creative writing program where he formerly served as the poetry editor for Black Warrior Review. His writing has appeared or is forthcoming in Timber, Colorado Review, smoking glue gun, Heavy Feather Review and elsewhere. Find his tweets @SilentAsIAm, more writing @