JUSTICE keeps appearing in my tarot readings and i want to know why/sure, mercury’s in retrograde but this is my time/aries season/hot-blooded/i wander the cold spring streets of a rust belt town on the precipice of gentrification and find a lot full of wild cars/a memorial to last century steel/find a white limo that looks like a stretched out version of mom’s old buick skylark/the windows are shattered/crystalline chunks like ice on the leather seats that look surprisingly new/i climb in/ignore the cuts/watch the sunset in painful luxury/this is what i deserve/my steaming aries blood transforms glass shards into diamonds/birth stones speckle my legs into a mosaic/i am heavy/seeping between the seats
Miss Macross is a Pittsburgh-based writer, tutor, witch, and painter. She is influenced by spacecraft, witchcraft, and personal experiences with trauma. Her work has been published in Philosophical Idiot, Rag Queen, Train, The Mantle, and Flash Fiction Magazine.